Rohit Lal

Computer Vision | Generative AI | NLP


I am currently a Computer Scientist at NASA IMPACT, where my research focuses on building and scaling AI Foundation Models for Science. I completed my MS by Research under the supervision of Dr. Amit K. Roy Chowdhury at University of California-Riverside, where my thesis explored 3D human pose estimation for the IARPA BRIAR project.

Prior this, I worked at IISc Bangalore’s Visual Computing Lab, focusing on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation and Adversarial Vulnerability in Computer Vision algorithms.

Outside of my research, I’m passionate about traveling, hiking, photography, and video editing—and I’m always up for a game of table tennis! I enjoy connecting with new people and learning their stories, so don’t hesitate to reach out. If you’d like a copy of my CV, feel free to email me at





  • Improving Domain Adaptation through Class Aware Frequency Transformation. Vikash Kumar* , Himanshu Patil* , Rohit Lal , Anirban Chakraborty . In. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)

  • CoNMix for Source-free Single and Multi-target Domain Adaptation. Vikash Kumar* , Rohit Lal* , Himanshu Patil , Anirban Chakraborty . In. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023 [Project Page]

  • Holistic Approach to Measure Sample-level Adversarial Vulnerability and its Utility in Building Trustworthy Systems. Gaurav Kumar Nayak* , Ruchit Rawal* , Rohit Lal* , Himanshu Patil , Anirban Chakraborty . In. HCIS Workshop, Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)-2022 [Project Page]

  • Open-Set Multi-Source Multi-Target Domain Adaptation. Rohit Lal , Arihant Gaur , Aadhithya Iyer , Muhammed Abdullah Shaikh , Ritik Agrawal , Shital Chiddarwar . In. Pre-registration Workshop, Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)-2021 [Project Page]

  • CAFT- Class Aware Frequency Transform for Reducing Domain Gap. Vikash Kumar , Sarthak Srivastava* , Rohit Lal* , Anirban Chakraborty . In. TradiCV, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshop-2021 [Project Page]

  • ScoopNet- A 6DOF Pose Estimation pipeline for Origami-inspired Worm Robots. Rohit Lal , Ruphan Swaminathan , Lalithkumar Seenivasan , Liang Qiu , Dr. Hongliang Ren . In. International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), Beijing, China [Video]

  • Deep Self Correcting Tracker (DeepSCT) Mechanism. Khush Agrawal* , Rohit Lal* , Himanshu Patil* , Dr K. Surender , Dr Deep Gupta . In. 26th National Conference on Communications (NCC)-2020, IIT Kharagpur [Paper] [Code]

  • DeepSCT based Person Following Drone. Himanshu Patil* , Rohit Lal* , Khush Agrawal* , Dr. K. Surender . In. Unmanned Aerial Systems in Geomatics-2021, IIT Roorkee [Paper] [Code]

  • Person Following Mobile Robot using Multiplexed Detection and Tracking. Khush Agrawal* , Rohit Lal* . In. International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME)-2020, VNIT Nagpur [Paper] [Code] [BibTex] [Video]

  • Cursor Control Using Face Gestures. Arihant Gaur , Akshata Kinage , Nilakshi Rekhawar , Shubhan Rukmangad , Rohit Lal , Dr. Shital Chiddarwar . In. Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, Hyderabad-2019 [Paper] [Code] [BibTex]

  • Real Time Human Computer Interaction Using Facial Gestures. Rohit Lal , Dr. Shital Chiddarwar . In. 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), IIT Kanpur-2019 [Paper] [Code] [BibTex]

  • * authors claim equal contribution



  • Navigation System for a Vehicle and for Navigation. Pandya Karan, Kotecha Prakrut, Iyer V Aadhithya, Gaikwad Ravishankar, Lal Rohit, Agrawal Rishesh and Shital Chiddarwar, Issued Dec 1, 2019, Patent no. 201921049473 [Patent File] [Video]

UnderGrad Projects

Person Follower Mobile Robot

Indian Number Plate Recognition

Solving Taxi v3 of OpenAi Gym

Self balancing Camera Platform

Word Embedding Generation using NLP

Real Time Handwritten Digit recognition

Harmonic Motion Analyser using MATLAB

Hand Gesture controlled Robot

Classifier without High Level APIs



Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore

Project Assistant, Visual Computing Lab
Jul 2021 - Current  Bengaluru, India

Currently working at Visual Computing Lab, Department of Computational and Data Sciences (CDS), IISc and conducting research in unsupervised learning methodologies and its applications in domain adaptation (DA) under the guidance of Dr. Anirban Chakraborty.


Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO)

Computer Vision Research Intern
Jul 2020 - Sept 2020  Bengaluru, India

Collaborated with senior scientist at Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics CAIR Lab, DRDO on building object detection and tracking pipeline using drone cameras which is at an altitude of 100 meters above ground. Also worked on drone imaging for pixel-wise pose-estimation and GPS coordinates extraction.


NUS - National University of Singapore

Deep Learning Research Intern (Remote)
Apr 2020 - Nov 2020  Singapore

Completed my intern under Prof. Hongliang Ren at Medical Mechatronics Lab. My task was to do tracking of gaits generated by Origami robots. This task has been done using traditional CV techniques and the next step is to incorporate various deep learning techniques for 6D pose estimation.


IEEE VNIT Student Branch

Jul 2019 - Jul 2020  VNIT, Nagpur

IEEE VNIT Student Branch is a technical Society run by the students of VNIT. I head the council responsible for managing the Society and will be involved in the decision-making process of several initiatives in the tenure of the council.



Core Member
May 2018 - May 2021  VNIT, Nagpur

IvLabs is the Robotics and Innovation Society run by the students of VNIT. I taught at various IEEE workshops related to image processing, MATLAB, basic electronics, CAD, etc to a strength of more than 100 students at every workshop which promoted technical culture.

Software Skills



Machine Learning by Andrew Ng

Certificate | Coursera

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Certificate |

Improving Deep Neural Networks:- Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization, etc

Certificate |

Convolutional Neural Networks

Certificate |

Structuring Machine Learning Projects

Certificate |

Introduction to Computer Vision

Aaron Bobbick | Udacity

Sequence Models

Andrew Ng |

Multivariate Calculus, Integral and Discrete Transforms

Statistical Analysis, Probability and Queuing Theory